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AMO SR has initiated an administrative proceedings in the matter of a possible agreement restricting competition in the area of selling original ink and toner cartridges to customers in public sector

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On 11 December 2019 the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, the Division of Abuse of Dominant Position and Vertical Agreements, (hereafter "the Office") initiated an administrative proceedings, based on its own initiative, in the matter of a possible agreement restricting competition under the Article 4 Paragraph 1 in connection with the Article 4 Paragraph 4 Letter c of the Act on Protection of Competition (hereafter "the Act") and the Article 101 Paragraph 1 Letter c of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

The possible anti-competitive agreement concerns the area of selling original ink and toner cartridges for printing devices, copying devices, fax machines or other such devices serving for a similar purpose to customers in the public sector in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

Based on the inspection carried out1 and further investigation, the Office obtained information and documentation suggesting that a vertical agreement restricting competition by the form of a market allocation could be applied in this area.

According to the Article 38 Paragraph 1 of the Act, the Office shall impose a fine of up to 10 % of the turnover under the Article 3 Paragraph 5 for previous accounting period.

The initiation of the administrative proceedings does not mean that in the given case competition rules were infringed nor does it prejudge the conclusions, which the Office may reach in the decision.

1 The Office informed about the inspection in its press release available at