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Peter Demčák holds the post of Vice-Chairman of AMO SR

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Since today, i. e. 1 August 2023, Peter Demčák has been the Vice-Chairman of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (hereafter "the Office").

The Chairman of the Office Juraj Beňa introduced him to the post today.

Peter Demčák was appointed by the Government of the Slovak Republic as the Vice-Chairman of the Office at its meeting on 7 June 2023.

Immediately before assuming the position of Vice-Chairman, Peter Demčák had headed the health department at the Recovery and Resilience Plan Section at the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic (3/2022 – 7/2023). As part of his work at Transparency International Slovakia (9/2021 – 3/2022), he had specialized in regulated sectors and public procurement. At the law offices TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti s. r. o. (1/2017 – 8/2021) and Havel, Holásek & Partners, s.r.o. (8/2012 – 6/2013) he had headed the department of competition and also of public procurement. In the past, he had been working for more than fourteen years at the Antimonopoly Office of the SR, where he had managed the department of cartels and also the department of legislative-legal and European affairs. Peter Demčák is the author of several articles and publications related to competition, and he has also dealt with this area within the framework of conducting training activities and professional seminars. He had graduated at the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava (1997 – 2002; masters´s degree). 


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