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In the field of competition the Office intervenes in the cases of various forms of restriction of competition and it controls mergers, which fulfill notification criteria. At the same time, it creates conditions for the further development of competition for the benefit of consumers. The Office´s competences in the field of antitrust and mergers result from the Act on Protection of Competition.

  • Cartels

    Cartel agreements concluded between directly competing undertakings are among the most serious infringements of competition rules.

  • Vertical agreements

    Vertical agreements between undertakings are due to their harmful impact on competition also a serious anticompetitive practice.

  • Abuse of dominant position

    The abuse of position by a dominant company on a relevant market is a prohibited anticompetitive practice as well.

  • Restriction of competition by state and self-administration authorities

    The conduct of state and self-administration authorities, by which they give an advantage to a certain undertaking or restrict competition has also an anticompetitive aspect.

  • Mergers

    The mergers of undertakings, which meet turnover criteria must be notified to the Office and assessed by it.