A merger is the process of economic combining of undertakings, which is specified by the provision of Article 7 Paragraph 1 of the Act on Protection of Competition. However, the combining of undertakings, which meet turnover criteria set by the Act are a subject to the control of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic.
More about mergers
- If there are no competition concerns, the Office approves the merger.
- If the Office identifies competition concerns, the parties to the proceeding may submit the draft of conditions removing competition concerns. If the Office accepts the conditions, it approves the merger with these conditions and the parties to the merger must consequently fulfil them. However, the Office does not have to accept the proposed conditions, if it evaluates that they are not sufficient to remove competition concerns.
- The Office may prohibit a merger.
Further information
Further information on mergers can be found at Slovak version of the Office´s website.