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Cooperation in the SR and international relations

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Cooperation with universities and state administration authorities of the SR

The Antimonopoly Office of the SR has been maintaining cooperation with universities in Slovakia, especially with their faculties focused on law and economics, for a long time. In this way it contributes to the development of competition culture and to the improvement of awareness of competition issues.

At the same time, it maintains cooperation in the matters of common public interest with the state administration bodies of the SR.

This kind of cooperation is carried out based on concluded agreements on mutual cooperation (the list of them can be found at Slovak version of the Office´s website).

International relations and cooperation

International cooperation is the important part of activities of the Antimonopoly Office. With the increasing number of international transactions, powerful multinational companies and international cartels it is increasingly necessary for countries to cooperate with each other. More effective enforcement of competition policy is enhanced by the exchange of information, knowledge and experience as well as direct working contacts and consultations with experts from various countries.

Firstly, the Office performs tasks resulting from the membership of the Slovak Republic in the European Union. Thus, the majority of international cooperation takes place with the European Commission within the European Competition Network (ECN). Other international fora, in which the authority is involved, include especially the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Competition Network (ICN), the European Competition Authorities (ECA), the Central European Competition Initiative (CECI), the Association of Competition Economics (ACE). Bilateral cooperation, in particular with the countries of Central European Region, is also the significant part of international activities. The employees of the Antimonopoly Office are also actively involved in various international conferences.

Further information on the Office´s cooperation within the international organizations stated above is available at Slovak version of its website.

Cooperation in the protection of the EU's financial interests

The Antimonopoly Office of the SR cooperates with the authorities and the institutions of the SR involved in the system of protection of the EU's financial interests and the fight against fraud within the AFCOS network.

In the SR, the role of coordination unit in this area is performed by the Office of the Government of the SR through the Department of National Office for OLAF.

With the aim to increase the effectiveness of fight against fraud involving the EU´s funds, the European Commission has set up the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) with its seat in Brussels.

Further information as well as the information on how to report suspected irregularities in using the EU´s funds in the Slovak Republic are available at Slovak version of the Office´s website.