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Central register IS SEMP

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The central register - the Information system for recording and monitoring aid (IS SEMP) was established by the Act No. 358/2015 Coll. on State Aid, which came into force on 1 January 2016. It was designed according to transparency requirements by relevant regulations and the guidelines of the European Commission (e. g. the Article 9 of Regulation No. 651/2014, the Article 9 of Regulation No. 702/2014).

IS SEMP consists of the following three parts:

  1. IS SEMP CRM (the part of IS SEMP designed for the aid coordinator),

  2. IS SEMP Portal (the part of IS SEMP designed for aid providers and the administrators of aid schemes, in which, by remote access, an aid provider and/or the administrator of an aid scheme enters information to the central register directly),

  3. IS SEMP Public (the part of IS SEMP available to the public, without entering login neither password)

As it is a specific tool, several reports were created in order to fulfill transparency requirements, e. g. a specific report concerning aid measures under the Regulation No. 651/2014 and individual aid over EUR 500 000 under the Regulation No. 651/2014. All reports are available in the public part of IS SEMP, under the frame entitled “Zostavy” (reports). The reports are updated on a daily basis; therefore, they provide always updated and actual data.

The following two specific reports have been created to simplify the fulfilment of transparency conditions:

  1. the Report No. 21 in IS SEMP Public, which contains information concerning de minimis aid received in a fiscal year concerned and during previous two fiscal years,

  2. the Report No. 15 in IS SEMP Portal, which includes not only information on de minimis aid provided, but also information concerning the level of group (the concept of "single undertaking“).