The library of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic is the library of a specialized type and serves primarily to the needs of the Office. It is accessible also to external users.
In particular, the following information materials are collected in the library:
- books and other documents (brochures, materials from professional events and other small publications) dealing with antitrust policy,
- economic and legal literature,
- encyclopaedic and dictionary literature,
- statistical materials,
- daily press - newspapers,
- periodicals,
- CD - dictionaries, magazines and other materials,
- books and other documents in the following languages: Slovak, Czech, English, German, Russian.
Upon request, we perform library searches for articles from the CLAVIUS database according to the relevant keywords that we have in the database.
Since 1 January 1999, we have been storing and making available in the library the decisions of the Office, too.
If you are interested in visiting the library, please announce it us during office hours 24 hours in advance via the email address