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Organizational order

Pursuant to the valid Organizational order of the Antimonopoly Office of the SR (available in Slovak language), the Office is internally divided into departments, divisions and units.

Organizational structure

The scheme of organizational structure of the Antimonopoly Office of the SR valid since 1 November 2024 is available on our website (in Slovak language).

Council of the Office

The Council of the Antimonopoly Office of the SR decides on appeals and reviews the Office´s decisions. The Council also decides on the reopening of proceedings and on a prosecutor’s protest in cases, where the head of central body of state administration decides pursuant to a special legislation.

The Council consists of the Chairperson of the Council and six members of the Council. The Chairperson of the Office is simultaneously the Chairperson of the Council.

No employee of the Office is allowed to be the member of the Council.

The members of the Council are appointed and recalled by the Government of the Slovak Republic following a proposal from the Chairperson of the Office. The term of office of members of the Council is five years. The members of the Council are appointed in such a way that the term of office will end for the maximum of three of them in the course of one calendar year. If the performance of post of member of the Council ends before the end of their term of office, the new member of the Council may be appointed only for the remaining term of office.

Members of the Council of the Office

Mgr. Juraj Beňa, LLM (PDF, 193 kB) - Chairman of the Antimonopoly Office of the SR, Chairman of the Council of the Office

JUDr. Zora Mistríková (PDF, 67 kB) 

Mgr. Ing. Michaela Michalovičová (PDF, 217 kB) 

JUDr. Martin Jacko (PDF, 187 kB) 

JUDr. Rastislav Kuklis (PDF, 186 kB) 

Ing. Peter Sádovský (PDF, 184 kB) 

prof. JUDr. PhDr. Ing. Michael Siman, PhD., D.E.A. (PDF, 43 kB)

Brief CVs of members of the Council are available at links above in Slovak language.