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Juraj Beňa assumed the position of Chairman of AMO SR

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predseda 4

On 1 March 2023 Juraj Beňa assumed the position of Chairman of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (hereafter “the Office”).

In the presence of media representatives, he took over this position from the previous Chairman of the Office – Mr. Tibor Menyhart, who had served in this position during two terms of office from November 2011 until now.

The term of office of the Office´s Chairman is five years. The same person may be appointed as the Office´s Chairman for a maximum of two consecutive terms of office.

To the media representatives the new Chairman of the Office Juraj Beňa expressed his determination to strengthen the Office´s status of a modern, respected and trustworthy institution for the protection of competition. He explained that he would strive for the greater Office´s visibility towards the public. He believes that the Office's activities will bring benefit to consumers and society as a whole.

Juraj Beňa had received the highest rating from the selection committee during the public hearing of candidates for the Office´s Chairman, which had been organized by the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic. The President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová had appointed him to the position of the Office´s Chairman on 17 February 2023, based on the proposal of the Government of the Slovak Republic for his appointment to the position of the Office´s Chairman.

Juraj Beňa came to the Office from the telecommunications company Orange Slovensko, a.s., where he had been working as a legal counsel in the field of regulation and competition law (10/2016 – 2/2023). Previously, he had been working in the Division of Cartels of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (1/2013 – 9/2016) and in law firms (9/2008 – 1/2013). He has also gained the experience in the field of competition law at international level by participating in a work internship at the European Commission, the Directorate-General for Competition, as a national expert. He has also been active in this field within his lecturing and academic activities. He had graduated at the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava (9/2003 – 6/2008, master´s degree) and obtained the education in field of international and European law at the University of Amsterdam (9/2009 – 9/2010, LLM degree).


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