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AMO SR has restricted office hours and days for personal submissions to registry and recommends electronic communication


Due to current situation related to COVID-19 infection in the SR, AMO SR recommends using the electronic form of communication with AMO SR and of sending submissions to the registry of AMO SR.

mobil, žena s respirátorom
mobil, žena s respirátorom
Based on measures taken in connection with the declared emergency situation in the territory of the Slovak Republic related to the threat to the public health due to COVID-19 infection in the territory of the Slovak Republic and the declared state of emergency, the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (hereafter "AMO SR") restricted office days and hours for personal submissions to the registry of AMO SR during the period since 26 November 2021 until a further notice.

The registry of AMO SR is open for personal submissions as follows:
  • during working days on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,
  • namely only between 9.30 a. m. and 11.30 a. m.
In this context, AMO SR kindly asks you to prioritize the electronic form of sending your submissions to AMO SR instead of their personal submission. You can send submissions in electronic form to AMO SR via the Central Government Portal or by an e-mail sent to the e-mail address of registry of AMO SR

At the same time, as the employees of AMO SR, with regard to the nature of work, perform work from their household to the maximum extent possible, AMO SR kindly asks you to use mainly the electronic form of communication with AMO SR through contacts published on the website of AMO SR in the Contacts section.

Thank you.