AMO SR imposed a fine on the undertaking Protective Association of Performers of Slovakia for the failure to submit documentation and information within stipulated time-limit
On 30 September 2019 the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, the Division of Abuse of Dominant Position and Vertical Agreements, (hereafter “the Office”) issued a decision by which, pursuant to the Article 38a Paragraph 1 Letter a) of the Act on Protection of Competition (hereafter “the Act”), imposed a fine in the amount of EUR 2 625 on the undertaking Ochranné združenie interpretov Slovenska (Protective Association of Performers of Slovakia) seated at Tomášikova 5/A, 821 01 Bratislava (hereafter "OZIS") for the failure to submit documentation and information within time-limit stipulated by the Office, hereby the undertaking breached the obligation set by the Article 22 Paragraph 2 of the Act.
On 30 March 2017 the Office initiated an investigation in the field of the performance of collective rights management according to the Copyright Act in the territory of the Slovak Republic in order to ascertain whether the conduct investigated in the field concerned can constitute a breach of the Act, and thus whether there is a reason to initiate the administrative proceedings.
In the framework of this investigation, the Office addressed, among other entities, also the undertaking OZIS as an organization performing collective rights management in the territory of the Slovak Republic. The Office requested OZIS to submit documentation and information closely related to the subject matter of the investigation within stipulated time-limit. This documentation was properly received by OZIS.
However, neither the information nor the documentation requested were submitted to the Office despite urging. Therefore, the Office initiated an administrative proceedings in the matter of the failure to submit documentation and information within time-limit stipulated by the Office. The Office delivered the call before issuing decision to the undertaking as well as the decision itself. Until now, the undertaking OZIS has not submitted the documentation nor the information in question and during the year 2019 it has not responded to any documentation addressed to him in the framework of the communication with the Office in connection with the administrative proceedings in question.
The decision came into force on 4 November 2019.
On 30 March 2017 the Office initiated an investigation in the field of the performance of collective rights management according to the Copyright Act in the territory of the Slovak Republic in order to ascertain whether the conduct investigated in the field concerned can constitute a breach of the Act, and thus whether there is a reason to initiate the administrative proceedings.
In the framework of this investigation, the Office addressed, among other entities, also the undertaking OZIS as an organization performing collective rights management in the territory of the Slovak Republic. The Office requested OZIS to submit documentation and information closely related to the subject matter of the investigation within stipulated time-limit. This documentation was properly received by OZIS.
However, neither the information nor the documentation requested were submitted to the Office despite urging. Therefore, the Office initiated an administrative proceedings in the matter of the failure to submit documentation and information within time-limit stipulated by the Office. The Office delivered the call before issuing decision to the undertaking as well as the decision itself. Until now, the undertaking OZIS has not submitted the documentation nor the information in question and during the year 2019 it has not responded to any documentation addressed to him in the framework of the communication with the Office in connection with the administrative proceedings in question.
The decision came into force on 4 November 2019.