AMO supports the adoption of World Competition Day
On this occasion, we asked our colleagues about the benefits of competition. Our video clip is in this article.
World Competition Day
This year the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (AMO) has again joined competition authorities and other institutions supporting the declaration of 5 December as World Competition Day.
In 2023, the main theme of the 14th World Competition Day campaign organized by CUTS International and INCSOC has become the prioritization of sectors and issues related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture, education, job opportunities or information and communication. These areas are crucial for the whole society. At the same time, they have been affected by nowadays crises associated with the pandemic, armed conflicts or a climate change.
On this day, through various activities, the institutions bring the benefits of an effectively functioning competitive environment closer to consumers and producers around the world as well as they draw their attention to competition policy and current law issues at an international level.
Video clip of AMO
Today, on the occasion of World Competition Day, we have asked our colleagues about the benefits of competition. You can find our short video clip of their answers and the expression of our support at the following link: We Support World Competition Day.
We believe that by activities developing the awareness of current issues in competition and the benefits of a properly functioning competitive environment, we contribute to a healthier competition on the market.