CARTELS: AMO SR has initiated the administrative proceedings in the matter of a possible cartel agreement during public procurement for the supplies of machines and mechanical and technological equipment
On 19 August 2019 the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, the Division of Cartels, (hereafter “the Office”), based on its own initiative, initiated the administrative proceedings in the matter of a possible agreement restricting competition according to the Article 4 of the Act on Protection of Competition, concluded between undertakings and concerning public procurements with the subject of the contract designated as Machines for agricultural primary production.
On the basis of investigation and unannounced inspection1 carried out, the Office acquired documentation and information indicating that four undertakings coordinated their procedure during the public procurement process for the supply of machines and mechanical and technical equipment for the enterprises of primary agricultural production.
The projects concerned were financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds.
The initiation of the administrative proceedings does not mean that the parties to the proceedings have infringed competition rules nor does it prejudge the conclusions, which the Office may come to in its decision.
1 The Office has confirmed the unannounced inspection in its press release, which is available at https://www.antimon.gov.sk/5768-en/cartels-amo-sr-conducted-an-unannounced-inspection-in-the-area-of-machinery-and-mechanical-and-technological-equipment/
On the basis of investigation and unannounced inspection1 carried out, the Office acquired documentation and information indicating that four undertakings coordinated their procedure during the public procurement process for the supply of machines and mechanical and technical equipment for the enterprises of primary agricultural production.
The projects concerned were financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds.
The initiation of the administrative proceedings does not mean that the parties to the proceedings have infringed competition rules nor does it prejudge the conclusions, which the Office may come to in its decision.
1 The Office has confirmed the unannounced inspection in its press release, which is available at https://www.antimon.gov.sk/5768-en/cartels-amo-sr-conducted-an-unannounced-inspection-in-the-area-of-machinery-and-mechanical-and-technological-equipment/