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SC SR upheld the decision of the Council of AMO SR in connection with the decision of AMO SR in the matter of abuse of dominant position by the company Slovak Telekom, a. s.

predajňa slovak telekom
predajňa slovak telekom
The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic by its judgement of 9 June 2021 upheld the decision of the Council of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, No. 2009/DZ/R/2/017 of 9 April 2009, in connection with the first-instance decision of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, the Division of Abuse of Dominant Position, No. 2007/DZ/2/1/111 of 21 December 2007, in the matter of abuse of dominant position by the company Slovak Telekom, a. s.
In 2007 the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic and subsequently in 2009 the Council of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic stated (inter allia) the abuse of dominant position by the company Slovak Telekom, a. s., by adopting the strategy of margin squeeze between prices for retail telecommunications services and prices for wholesale network interconnection. In their decisions, they imposed a fine on the company Slovak Telekom, a. s., in the amount of EUR 17 453 362,54.
In the stated judgement, the Supreme Court of the SR rejected the cassation complaint of the company Slovak Telekom, a. s., against the decision of the Regional Court in Bratislava of 21 June 2017, by which the Regional Court in Bratislava rejected the action of the company Slovak Telekom, a. s.

The written copy of the judgment was delivered to the Antimonopoly Office of the SR.
Against the judgement of the Supreme Court of the SR, it is no longer possible to lodge an appeal.

The Antimonopoly Office of the SR provided further details and the genesis of case at its website in a press release The Court of Justice of the EU issued a preliminary ruling in the matter of Slovak Telekom vs. AMO SR, upholding AMO SR's arguments concerning the application of the ne bis in principle (available in Slovak language) of 9 March 2021.